Early Militia Buckles and Plates
I dug my first US belt plate in 1955 and shown is my 1200th belt plate I dug in 1986. Add the Eagle breast plates and the total will be over 2000. From 1987-2016 I dug a couple hundred more. Got to remember I was digging when there were very few other relic hunters and was the first to dig in some campsites.
T-14 US Artillery Two Piece Belt Plate The T-14A is a new pattern that I just used as a master this year (2007). I have used the T-14 since 1969 and still use it today. The difference is in the (S). Note the S at the top is not as defined as the new pattern but other than that they are both the same style. Both are cast from my original belt plate
Nip Warriner was one of the first relic hunters in the Richmond, VA area. This photo was taken in 1959 for a Richmond newspaper article. I was there when this picture was taken. My first machine was the Fisher M Scope just like the one Nip has in the photo. Nip worked for the Virginia Historical Society in the 1950's.
Lincoln at Berkeley Plantation 1862 after the Seven Days Battle before Richmond. The Union army camped here July-August and the blue uniform replaced the militia uniforms. Also Taps was written here. In the 1950's I was one of the first to relic hunt here. You would not believe a days relic hunt here.
Also in the same hole was a Burnside cartridge with remains of a Maryland newspaper placed inside that tells of Captain Ellery killed in battle. Several U S buckles and plates, four nice canteens and several hundred bullets were also dug from this hole. You could see the remains of newspapers on the items dug.
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